More predictions from the Ball-of-Light Particle Model:
- If you could somehow see through typical nebula -- regions where traditional astronomical theory says gravity is collapsing dust and gas to create stars -- you would see balls-of-light -- such as "parent" stars -- decaying. (See also the Hubble Space Telescope's new Infrared Sensor.) Since they are decaying it should be possible to spot situations where particles are shooting away from the parent. It would be common to see "baby" stars surrounding "parent" stars. There would likely be indications that the "babies" are either decaying rapidly -- see also Planet Formation -- or appear to be mini white dwarfs. The Hubble Space Telescope has found such a situation in the Cone Nebula. (See also the Towers of M16. See also HST image of the Orion Nebula's Becklin-Neuberger Object. See also the Pistol Star.)
- If the decaying objects have one of their poles pointed towards earth, then it should be possible to detect very energetic, very coherent beams of energy, much like lasers or masers. (See masers in the Orion Nebula. See masers in the Eta Carinae's lobes.)
- The creation of massive elementary particles! When a supernova explodes, it will eject massive balls-of-light -- massive elementary particles. Some of these particles will immediately decay. However, some will take their time decaying. And when they do, wow! These baby balls-of-light can still have enough energy to decay with enough force to create high-energy photons such as X-rays and even Gamma-rays. (Link to Cass A's X-ray image where you visually see X-rays coming from balls-of-light being long after the initial supernova explosion.)
- This model would predict that unusual stars and galaxies that have an unusually high percentage of larger atomic nuclei in their envelopes would also have an unusually high amount of energy output. (See also Seyfert Galaxies. See also Wolf-Rayet stars.)
- This model would allow scientists to predict if exploding stars -- called planetary nebula -- are going to become more, or less, violent based upon the atomic nuclei observed. If the atomic nuclei in the outermost portion of a planetary nebula are larger than the atomic nuclei from the innermost portion of a planetary nebula, then the planetary nebula is settling down. If the innermost atomic nuclei are larger than the outermost atomic nuclei, then the explosion's violence would be predicted to be increasing. The famous Cat's Eye Nebula is an example of a star settling down. In this nebula there are arcs of material of higher atomic weight are further out. These arcs spiral into the core of the nebula becoming both more diffuse as you go in. Also, the atomic weight of particles in the spirals becomes lighter as you follow the arcs inward. It is easy to visualize how there were two huge symmetrical instabilities -- on the surface of the core of the Cat's Eye's central star -- that violently spiraled around the star -- "peeling off" atomic material surrounding the star. (See the section on the Induction of Matter.) As the material flew away from the star, it decelerated with some further decay. As the 2 violent instabilities on the surface of the star spun around ejecting material -- like a common lawn watering sprinkler -- the star became more stable and the instabilities quieted down. (See also The Induction of Matter.) (Also, contrary to traditional theory, the Ball-of-Light Particle Model predicts that particles ejected in a planetary nebula can be nonharmonic and decay further at a later point -- after the decay products have slowed to a certain critical value. In other words, the light coming from the nebula is produced in the nebula itself. Decelerating, decaying particles create photons of light in the nebula itself and make it "glow." Traditional theory states that the nebula does not glow, but is illuminated from the radiation of the core star reflecting off of particles in the nebula.)
- This model predicts that the stars ejected from the core of a galaxy would either be ejected uniformly in a very harmonic fashion or violently in a very nonharmonic fashion or in an explosive fashion. For example, if the massive patches of electric and magnetic fields spinning around the core of galaxy were evenly spaced and of equal magnitude, then the galaxy would be relatively harmonic, and the stars would be ejected in a spherical fashion like in an elliptical or spherical galaxy. If the patches were of different sizes, then it is likely they would coalesce into two patches on opposite sides of the core and would spin around like a water sprinkler ejecting stars primarily in a spiral fashion. If the patches had a large enough asymmetry, then there might not be enough time for the patches to coalesce into to large opposing patches. In this case, the core would probably simply explode. The most common types of catastrophic explosions would appear bipolar or linear. Finally, it would be possible for the asymmetrical waves to form into two opposing waves, sweeping in opposite directions from pole to pole over the surface of the galactic core. In such a case, the waves would induce huge balls-of-light that would be ejected from the poles of the core. The balls-of-light would be ejected with such high velocity that their decay would be delayed until the cores decelerated and created secondary explosions like those seen in Radio Galaxies.
- A well known Galaxy, the Cartwheel Galaxy, is widely believed to be an example of a collision between two galaxies. This theory predicts that this galaxy is similar to a spiral galaxy in structure, but its core is decaying rapidly in an unusual but predictable pattern. First, in most spiral galaxies the nonharmonic patches of electric and magnetic fields are oriented in such a fashion as to eject in opposite directions while the core is spinning and these patches continue to be nonharmonic -- in essence, they keep squirting out new stars. In the Cartwheel galaxy, the initial ejection occurred within approximately one revolution. This primary ejection stabilized the core. Relatively minor patches continued to spin around the core ejecting the stars that compose the "spokes" of the cartwheel. Relatively recently in the galaxy's history, another major instability has formed and is ejecting a new ring of material around the core. Analysis of this new ring reveals what this theory predicts are truly massive decaying balls-of-light! The full press release from the original authors is as follows: EMBARGOED UNTIL: 9:00 a.m. (EDT) November 26, 1996 CONTACT: Ray Villard Space Telescope Science Institute, Baltimore, (Phone: 410/338-4514) Curt Struck Iowa State University, Ames, IA (Phone: 515-294-5440) PRESS RELEASE NO.: STScI-PR96-36 HUBBLE SPIES SUPERSONIC "COMET-CLOUDS" IN HEART OF GALAXY Analyses of dramatic images by NASA's Hubble Space Telescope reveal immense comet-shaped knots of gas in the heart of the Cartwheel galaxy, a peculiar looking wagon-wheel shaped galaxy which collided with another galaxy. Their discovery may eventually help explain why the center of the Cartwheel galaxy has little star formation, and what causes the unusual spoke pattern between the bright outer ring of young stars and the mysterious, dusty galactic nucleus. A team of astronomers used Hubble's Wide Field Planetary Camera 2 to probe the nucleus of the Cartwheel galaxy, which has an unusual network of dust lanes but lacks giant starbirth regions found in our own Milky Way. They were surprised to find comet-like features crossing a dust lane. The objects uncovered by Hubble really aren't comets because they are far too huge. The "heads" -- decaying balls of light -- are a few hundred light-years across -- the single core object is certainly much smaller than this -- and the tails are more than 1,000 light-years long, the longest being nearly 5,000 light-years long. The "comet heads" -- decaying balls of light -- are most likely vast clouds of molecular hydrogen, similar to those found in our own Milky Way galaxy. The "tails" are an incandescent wake of hot glowing gasses -- smaller, decaying balls of light -- and possible newborn stars, as suggested by their bluish color in the Hubble images. The structures look like comets because they probably result from a collision between high speed and slower moving material -- because the core is moving rapidly and spewing out decay product as it goes. This creates an arrowhead-shaped pattern called a bow-shock, similar to the wake of a boat speeding across a lake. Researchers conclude the maelstrom was kicked up by a nearly head-on collision between the Cartwheel galaxy and a smaller galaxy 200 million years ago -- [The original core of the Cartwheel galaxy ejected the smaller galaxy. It was not a "collision" between two galaxies.]. This makes the Cartwheel galaxy a unique laboratory for studying supersonic collisions between massive clouds and large scale "ripples" of gas created by the collision. One possible explanation for the features results from the fact that during the collision gas clouds are pulled inward, but afterwards they are released to oscillate around their original position like a plucked guitar string. (These oscillations are around the balance point between centrifugal and gravitational forces). Comets may result when large clouds plowing through space at nearly 700,000 miles per hour, smash into a ring of gas and dust pushing outwards as part of the next oscillation. A second explanation is that the spokes and "comets" may represent a later stage where material begins falling back into the galaxy -- a phenomena not seen in most other ring-shaped galaxies younger than the Cartwheel. In this scenario, the molecular cloud "comet heads" were first splashed out from the galaxy's plane, and, like a baseball tossed into the air, the clouds slowed and then fell back into the galaxy. As they plummet, they locally heat interstellar gas to more than a million degrees Fahrenheit. The new findings were made by Curt Struck, Philip Appleton (Iowa State University), Kirk Borne (Hughes STX Corporation), and Ray Lucas (Space Telescope Science Institute). Their results appear in the November issue of the Astronomical Journal. The puzzling findings call for a variety of follow-on observations, including spectroscopy of the "comets" and X-ray observations to search for shocked gas in the nucleus. The Cartwheel galaxy is located 500 million light-years away in the constellation Sculptor. Jonathan Eisenhamer -- Office of Public Outreach -- Last modified: Mon Nov 18 13:04:09 EST 1996 Notice the massive size of these balls-of-light -- "The "heads" are a few hundred light-years across and the tails are more than 1,000 light-years long..."! Potentially, the Ball-of-Light Particle Model could be modeled on a supercomputer to calculate the various harmonics. This would allow the prediction of particles before they are discovered. Do these comet-like objects have cores? Are the cores "elementary particles"? Are they balls-of-light? I believe the answer to these questions is a resounding, "Yes!" However, the Ball-of-Light Particle Model is not mature enough to predict the actual size of the cores of these comets at this time. My guess is the presently hidden cores of these comets are at least a few light years across -- maybe even a hundred light-years across. The visible portion of these comet-like heads are the envelopes surrounding the smaller cores. (See also, Envelopes around Stars.) Again, the Ball-of-Light Particle Model predicts the cores of these comet-like heads are nonharmonic balls-of-light that are undergoing secondary decay. Eventually, when we launch into space a much more advanced space telescope, we should be able to see through the comets' heads -- perhaps in infrared or radio wavelengths -- and see their bright cores. (I believe these comet-like objects are the youngest galaxies currently observed with sufficient detail to analyze in depth. I believe these comet-like objects are galaxies being born!) (To see another example of similar comet-like object, see Arp 220's core.) Graphic of galaxy Arp 220 Graphic of Arp 220's core with contrast and brightness increased to show comet-like objects. NGC253 and NGC253 and NGC253 -- various contrasts (instead???? or the same)
- The Ball-of-Light Particle Model predicts the famous "Towers" of M16 are not gravitationally collapsing regions of dust and gas. Instead, it predicts that the Towers of M16 are like jet plumes from tumbling, decaying balls-of-light. This theory predicts that the Hubble Space Telescope's new infrared imaging capability will be able to actually see through the dust of the Towers of M16 and observe the primary cores -- the balls-of-light responsible for the smaller "babies" that are being ejected. Graphic of predicted cores in the Towers of M16.