Home Mountain Ranges

If the magnitude of the gravitational forces that crush earth change in a cyclic fashion, and if these variations started out to be very severe and have gradually diminished to where they are now very mild, then this may explain the creation of mountain ranges.

Early in its existence, earth would have undergone much faster revolutions with consequently much higher variations in the gravitational field. These pulsating, crushing forces could have buckled the earth's crust, forcing up the mountain ranges.

Graphic of earth be crushed by gravity, squeezing up the mountain ranges.

A possible observation that would easily confirm this is if the earth's actual size varies over time. It would be relatively easy to place in space special satellites that continuously, and very precisely measure the exact size of the earth. The earth literally might be gradually swelling in size or contracting in size. The Ball-of-Light Particle Model predicts this occurs on a regular cyclic basis.

A scientific experiment that I would highly recommend is placing satellites in space that precisely measure the earth's size to detect and predict any variations in the earth's diameter. This would not only be interesting from a purely scientific point of view, but it may also greatly help in the understanding of earthquakes, volcanoes, and other geological phenomena.