- Electric and magnetic fields -- used together -- can create or "induce" gravity (It is already a known fact that a changing electric field induces a magnetic field, and a changing magnetic field induces an electric field.) Simply, if both an electric field and a magnetic field are changing, their product induces a gravitational field.
- Ordinary, elementary particles of "matter" and "magnetic monopoles" are the same thing.
- The gravitational force law is "dynamic" not "static" -- the faster an elementary particle accelerated, the greater is its induced gravity.
- The earth has undergone many cycles of increasing and decreasing gravitational force (This has important implications for geology.)
- The sun, other planets, and moons have undergone many cycles of varying gravitational force (The effect of a variable gravitational force in a galaxy can be visually seen in spiral galaxies that are viewed "face-on" where one arm of the spiral is pulled tighter in and the other arm is spinning further away from the core of the galaxy.)
Graphic of spiral galaxy
See also, The Helicopter Blade Analogy
- (The effects of a varying gravitational field can be seen on earth in various ways, such as in mountain ranges and the mid-oceanic ridges. They can also be seen in other places as well, such as, I believe, in the cracks of Europa's icy surface. Europa is a moon of Jupiter.)
Graphic of Europa's Cracks
- The Ball-of-Light Particle Model can explain many geological signs that agree with the idea that earth has undergone varying magnitudes of gravitational force
- Our star, the sun, is not as stable as is currently believed. (Stability of the Sun)
- The sun's stability can be easily upset. (SOHO Comet animation, Extinctions)
- We need to invest massive resources for: space research; space travel; solar monitoring; for destroying objects that could upset the solar balance or destroy earth; and for creating deployable barriers between the earth and sun in order to minimize the impact of solar outbursts on earth.
- In general, the "missing mass" of the universe or "dark matter," as it is usually called, does not exist -- the new gravitational force law predicts more gravity from existing visible matter than the classical gravitational force law does.
- Light is bent by gravity because gravity is transmitted by light -- there are no "gravitons" that act as carriers of gravity. (A photon is a spherical moving wave of electric, magnetic and gravitational fields.)

- Photons are "moving spherical waves of electric, magnetic and gravitational fields" that pivot around each other in a beautifully symmetric fashion
- There is no limit -- other than all the energy of the universe -- to the size of a Ball-of-Light The universe originated from a single Ball-of-Light. (This contradicts traditional theory. For example, if Einstein's Relativity is interpreted strictly, then objects bigger than about 80-100 solar masses should not exist. However, there have been many single objects discovered in the universe that are more massive than 100 solar masses. We see the cores of galaxies, and Quasars for example. (Eta Carinae, The Pistol star, Galactic cores, Quasars) Also, we see galaxies and clusters of galaxies that -- using Relativity -- theoretically should not still exist, but should have collapsed into "Black Holes." We see Gamma Ray Bursts so energetic that Black Hole Theory can not explain them.)
- Elementary particles are superimposed combinations of photons. (See also, Spherical Harmonics)
- When eventually modeled on a supercomputer using "spherical harmonics," I predict, the Ball-of-Light Particle Model will predict all known -- and probably thousands of unknown -- "elementary particles" (One of my hunches is that there might be a harmonic elementary particle for each prime number.)
- I predict -- at low energies -- it will be possible to create particles predicted by the Ball-of-Light Particle Model. For example, a lightning phenomenon that has been long debated is "Ball Lightning." Some scientists still do not even believe in the existence of Ball Lightning because there has been no viable theory that could explain this phenomena. I predict, using massive banks of batteries or capacitors -- or by properly directing real lightning using rockets pulling wire into thunderheads -- it will be possible to artificially create Ball Lightning. This will allow scientists to study the spherical harmonics predicted by the Ball-of-Light Particle Model directly.
- A key term used here, "elementary particle," implies "individual particles" not "small particles." Elementary particles can range in size from: neutrinos, electrons, protons, normal atomic nuclei, ball lightning, cores of stars, cores of galaxies, cores of Quasars, cores of Gamma Ray Bursts, all the way up to the initial Ball-of-Light that contained the energy of the universe before it exploded in the "Big Bang."
- The Ball-of-Light Particle Model predicts that Black Hole theory is incorrect in some key details. However, in important details, traditional Black Hole theory is very similar to the Ball-of-Light Particle Model. (A recent change to Black Hole Theory -- from Stephen Hawking I believe -- predicts that Black Holes can emit radiation. This change brings Black Hole theory nearer to the Ball-of-Light Particle Model because balls-of-light can emit radiation.)
- The Ball-of-Light Particle Model predicts that stars are not collapsed clouds of primordial hydrogen and helium creating their energy primarily through the fusion process -- they are decaying Balls-of-Light.
- The Ball-of-Light Particle Model predicts that fusion is not the major source of a stars energy -- the major source is decaying Balls-of-Light. (The fusion process is a secondary energy producing process that occurs in the inner layer of the material that envelopes the core of the star.)
- The most important source of energy in the universe is the decay of larger Balls-of-Light into smaller Balls-of-Light and/or photons. The most important source of energy in the universe is not nuclear fusion.
- The electric and magnetic fields on the surface of a Ball-of-Light can range from being small in size to being incredibly massive.
- The Ball-of-Light Particle Model predicts that elementary particles can be induced on the surface of a large ball-of-light as electromagnetic waves sweep over its surface. The electromagnetic waves induce elementary particles.
- The photons given off from a decaying Ball-of-Light are naturally polarized and "nonthermal" (See also "thermal" radiation.)
- Galaxies are not collapsing masses of dust and stars -- they are explosions -- that is, decaying Balls-of-Light.
- There were explosions intermediate in size between the size of the initial Big Bang explosion and the size of exploding galaxies.
- White dwarfs are Balls-of-Light like the cores of stars but without the thick envelope of normal matter that most stars are surrounded by. In other words, a white dwarf has little or no envelope -- and you can either see the core, or you can almost see the core.
- So-called "Neutron Stars" are very stable harmonic Balls-of-Light with little or no decay occurring. Hardly any light or matter is leaving the surface of this type of Ball-of-Light. They have little if no enveloping material.
(See Hubble Space Telescope image of the first visible neutron star.)
- Pulsars are Balls-of-Light that have massive electromagnetic waves sweeping across them from pole to pole. These waves are massive! They are so strong they can induce huge balls-of-light -- possibly larger than normal stars. These objects are ejected from the poles of pulsars with high velocity. And, of course, the waves on a pulsar can induce intense pulses of photons. (These waves would also be polarized and "nonthermal".)
- Planetary nebula are easily explained with the Ball-of-Light Particle Model.
- The exploding star, Eta Carinae, is exactly predicted by the spherical harmonics of the Ball-of-Light Particle Model. Actually, as it turns out, the combined shape of Eta Carinae's exploding lobes and disk create a shape that is a classic spherical harmonic that is well known. In other words, the planetary nebula, Eta Carinae -- two spheres and a disk -- is a shape of spherical harmonics.
- The Ball-of-Light Particle Model is like a 3-dimensional spherical form of "Super String" theory.
- The Ball-of-Light Particle Model is totally compatible with Quantum Theory.
- The Ball-of-Light Particle Model is a "Quantum Gravitational" theory.
- It is possible to derive Planck's constant from the geometry of the Ball-of-Light Particle Model. (Derivation)
- The Ball-of-Light Particle Model predicts the "spin" or "angular momentum" found to exist in elementary particles. (One hemisphere of an elementary particle would spin clockwise, the other half would spin counterclockwise.)
- The Ball-of-Light Particle Model predicts "Cepheid Variables" are pulsating Balls-of-Light -- pulsating balls of electric, magnetic and gravitational fields. (The Ball-of-Light Particle Model predicts their characteristic light curves. These light-curves contradict traditional stellar theory that relies on nuclear fusion and the idea stars are collapsed spheres of dust and gas.)
- The Ball-of-Light Particle Model predicts Radio Galaxies make their massive lobes -- these lobes are a classic enigma in astrophysics that had remained effectively unexplained -- by ejecting high speed Balls-of-Light that gradually slow down and explode. (As an analogy, imagine the kind of fireworks that are ejected with high speed, that are spinning off small sparks, and then slow down and explode.)
- The Speed-of-Light Definition of Time predicts time travel is impossible. (If a faster motion than the speed of light is discovered, then time should be redefined to travel at the faster motion.)
- The philosophical and religious aspects of the Ball-of-Light Particle Model appear to be equally amazing but are left for review at a further time.