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John Thomas Nordberg
8700 Shiloh Court
Eden Prairie, MN 55347
(612) 937-0426


For Release at Midnight
Central Time Zone

Time, Grand Unification of Physics, Solar Activity, Fusion & Earthquakes

On new year's eve, millions of people will once again be wondering, "What is time?" The amateur theoretical physicist, John T. Nordberg, states he has finally solved this classical question. "Time is a constant quantity of motion that we use to measure all other motions. Through history, the specific motion we have been calling time is the apparent motion of the sun as it crosses the sky. However, we shouldn't use the sun’s motion to measure other motions. Instead, we should measure all motions as fractions of the fastest known motion -- the speed of light."

"What we now call the speed of light should be called time. I call this the Speed-of-Light Definition of Time. It is a new form of Einstein's Special Relativity. It uses simple Euclidean geometry instead of difficult non-Euclidean geometry. With Special Relativity, as you approach the speed of light time slows down. With the Speed-of-Light Definition of Time, time always travels at the speed of light."

"On New Year's Eve, people will be celebrating the new year as if time is sweeping across earth as fast as the sun crosses the sky. Time zone by time zone, the year 2000 will be celebrated. This will take an entire day. However, from a physics point of view, time really will sweep across the planet as fast as light does, in about a half a second."

This new understanding of time, explained in Nordberg's book, The solution to the question, "What is time?" allowed Nordberg to develop a grand unification theory for physics. "The Ball-of-Light Particle Model unifies physics using the equation: Electric cross Magnetic equals Gravitation. This encompasses all known physics in terms of light. You either have photons, or light spinning around itself in spherical balls."

Nordberg made the first accurate solar activity prediction in history with his new physics. In a radio interview with Art Bell (8/31/1999), Nordberg correctly predicted a major spike in solar activity. The prediction stated solar activity would: increase dramatically on November 6th; peak between November 26 and 28th; and then drop off. The predicted rise -- "best measured using X-Ray Flux" -- began 6 hours early on November 5th. It peaked with numerous M-class flares, and a dramatic X-class flare at midday on the 27th. Activity then dropped off. "I am really excited by this. Predicting solar activity is important for the safety of astronauts, satellites, and life on earth. The current solar cycle will not drop off until 9/14/2005."

Nordberg has developed a new category of fusion reactor. "This new physics correctly predicts how spherical electromagnetic fields work. This knowledge naturally leads to an entirely new category of nuclear fusion reactor. I believe these reactors will provide the majority of energy in the coming Millennium. My engineering designs and preliminary US Patent application are on my website: These designs contain miniature pulsating stars within spherical electromagnetic confinement fields and convert water directly into electrical energy."

Nordberg also predicts dangerous dates for earthquakes. "I do not predict the exact time or location of earthquakes. However, just like there are Tornado Watches, now, there are Earthquake Watches. During the last Watch, 12/5/1999 - 12/13/1999, there were 8 major earthquakes with magnitude 6.0 or greater. For saving lives, Earthquake Watches will become very important. I believe the next Watch, 12/21/1999 - 12/26/1999, will be very dangerous. I appeal ... please let everyone know."



For Immediate Release

From John T. Nordberg
8700 Shiloh Court
Eden Prairie, MN 55347
(612) 937-0426

Theoretical Physicist Posts New Nuclear Fusion Reactor Design at Website

John T. Nordberg, an amateur theoretical physicist, has posted a new type of nuclear fusion reactor design at his website, According to Nordberg, "These new designs will convert water directly into electricity." They use a "hot" design and are not based upon "cold" fusion.

About 85 percent of the world's 11 terawatts of energy production -- and the majority of the world's pollution -- comes from fossil fuels, and only 15 percent comes from non-fossil fuels sources such as: nuclear fission, wind, solar, and hydroelectric.

Nuclear fission reactors are widely feared and disliked. They are expected to continually drop in use after about the year 2002. For example, no new nuclear power plants have been ordered in the US since the 1979 accident at Three Mile Island, and some plants have been closed.

Scientists do not expect nuclear fusion reactors will have the drawbacks of nuclear fission reactors. They are expected to produce only very small amounts of radioactive products with very short "half-lives." However, so far, there have been no successful fusion reactor designs -- successful in the sense of a working commercial reactor that produces more energy than it consumes. While most scientists believe that the promise of clean nuclear fusion reactors is a long-range technology, Nordberg believes, "These are the first reactors that will work, and they could be online in 12-18 months." Furthermore, Nordberg believes, "These designs are inexpensive, simple, easy to build, and maintain. The first nonburning, "proof-of-concept" test reactor could probably be built in 6-9 months for about $10-15 million. From a fusion standpoint, that is very inexpensive."

John Nordberg is the author of the book, "The solution to the question, "What is time?", and the creator of the Grand Unification Theory, "The Ball-of-Light Particle Model." His reactor designs utilize his grand unification ideas.

The reactor cores are spherical, typically about 5 meters in diameter. They develop massive electric and magnetic fields over the surface of the cores. For example, the magnetic fields on the surface of the reactor cores are expected to exceed 2 Tesla. These fields will develop massive electromagnetic and gravitational confinement forces that point towards the center of the reactor cores. Confinement energy is expected to exceed 300 petawatts. According to Nordberg, "The confinement fields will not only contain the fusion reaction, but when instabilities in the fusion burn try to escape, they will make electricity directly using a process known as MagnetoHydroDynamics (MHD). Water will be converted directly into electricity! The efficiency of these designs may someday exceed 90%."

For complete information about Nordberg's Nuclear Fusion Reactor Designs, visit his website at He has posted his complete designs for everyone to look at. Other topics covered at his website include: time and his "Speed-of-Light Definition of Time", his Grand Unification Theory "The Ball-of-Light Particle Model," the structure of stars and sunspots, the Big Bang, Nordberg's predictions for the current sunspot cycle, his predictions for earthquakes, the structure of pulsars, what is "dark matter", neutrinos, and many other areas of astronomy, astrophysics, and physics.

John Nordberg was recently interviewed by Art Bell, on his radio talk show program Coast to Coast AM. The interview occurred between 1:00 AM and 4:00 AM CST, on 9/1/1999. Art Bell keeps audio archives of his interviews at for those interested in listening to past guests.


For Immediate Release

From John T. Nordberg
8700 Shiloh Court
Eden Prairie, MN 55347
(612) 937-0426

Athens, Greece Earthquake Predicted

John T. Nordberg, an amateur theoretical physicist, was interviewed recently by Art Bell on his radio talk show, Coast to Coast AM on the evening/morning of August 31st/September 1st. During the interview, which primarily stressed Mr. Nordberg’s theoretical/physical view of time, and his Grand Unification Theory, the Ball-of-Light Particle Model, Mr. Nordberg described his techniques for predicting sunspots and earthquakes. In particular, he mentioned that a very high risk period for earthquakes would occur between 9/7/1999 and 9/15/1999. He described this period as having a higher than normal risk for a 6.2 magnitude or greater earthquake.

As reported today, 9/7/1999, by CNN and other news agencies, a large earthquake struck Athens, Greece today:
“The 10-second quake, registering a magnitude of 5.8, struck just before 3 p.m. (1200 GMT) and was centered about 24 kilometers (15 miles) northwest of the Greek capital.” CNN

While this earthquake was not as large as the predicted magnitude of 6.2, Mr. Nordberg believes his data indicates that the possibility still exists for an even large quake hitting somewhere in the world within the next week. He believes the world should be in an “earthquake watch” and that presently there is a HIGH RISK for dangerous earthquakes happening at any time.

Mr. Nordberg’s theory is based upon how the earth's motion is affected by the alignment of the moon, especially in conjunction with the sun, and at times with the planets. The earth's orbit is not a constant motion. As the earth's velocity speeds up and slows down, plotting changes in acceleration indicate when risky dates for earthquakes occur. To view his latest chart of dates, visit

Risk factors include:
• dramatic changes in the earth's orbital acceleration
• natural fault lines
• local high tide (potentially, worse around or after high tide)



For immediate release: 6/1/98

For further information contact: John Thomas Nordberg (612) 937-0426 (If you are unable to reach Mr. Nordberg, please leave a message and he will return your call.) E-mail:

A Minnesota man claims he has been able to unify physics
and has developed the first working Grand Unification Theory.
His theory is available on the internet at

John Thomas Nordberg of Eden Prairie, Minnesota, USA, has developed a Grand Unification theory for physics that describes all of known physics with one equation -- E cross B = G. This means there are only three fundamental forces in physics: the Electric, the Magnetic, and the Gravitational. (The other two well-known, traditional forces -- the Nuclear Weak and Nuclear Strong -- can be derived from this equation.) This Grand Unification Theory describes all elementary particles as balls-of-light. He refers to this as, "The Ball-of-Light Particle Model."

John T. Nordberg has previously published the books, The solution to the question, "What is time?" in 1995, and What is time? in 1985. In his previous books he proposed that time is a constant quantity of motion that is used to measure all other motions and should be defined to be what has previously been called the speed of light. He refers to this as, "The Speed-of-Light Definition of Time."

Mr. Nordberg claims that the Speed-of-Light Definition of Time replaces Einstein's Special theory of Relativity, and that The Ball-of-Light Particle Model replaces Einstein's General Theory of Relativity and Quantum Physics.

At his web site,, Mr. Nordberg explains many major physics and astrophysical problems using his theories, including:

Mr. Nordberg realizes that his theories are dramatic and unsuitable at this time for publication in major physics journals. Mr. Nordberg plans in the near future for another press release regarding nuclear fusion.

Currently, John Nordberg's occupation is as the owner of Nordberg Consulting, a business providing Macintosh computer consulting and training.



For immediate release: 1/3/96

For further information contact: John Thomas Nordberg (612) 937-0426 (If you are unable to reach Mr. Nordberg, please leave a message and he will return your call.)

A major physics breakthrough provides
the answer to the question, "What is time?"

Eden Prairie, Minnesota. John Thomas Nordberg claims to have finally solved the classical philosophical/scientific question, "What is time?" This question has been ranked as one of the top 20 unanswered questions in science. His solution has been published in his new book, The solution to the question, "What is Time?" The first advertisement for his new book has just come out in the January edition of Discover magazine. According to Nordberg, "What we have been calling, the speed of light and calling, time are the same thing -- the speed of light is time." Nordberg claims his Theory of Time is the first alternative to Einstein's Special and General Theories of Relativity. Einstein's theories of Relativity state time can speed up and slow down relative to the speed of light. According to Nordberg, "Time is a constant quantity of motion, that we use to measure all other motions, and it should be defined to be what we now call the speed of light. Through history people have used the sun's apparent motion crossing the sky to measure all other motions. The sun's motion has been what we have been calling time. Time does not speed up or slow down relative to the speed of light, because time is the speed of light."
"My New Years Eve example is easy to understand. Imagine that it is New Year's Eve. On TV, you are able to see people celebrating the new year in time zones to the East, before the new year has happened for you. This is illogical. You are seeing something happen before it happens. With my explanation of time it makes sense though. People are celebrating time as if it is a motion sweeping across the surface of the planet at the rate at which the sun appears to cross the sky, time zone by time zone. However, that is not how we actually physically experience time. The image on TV is traveling to us from the East at the speed of light. If we adopt my definition of time, then people would celebrate the new year as fast as it takes light to sweep across the planet, not as slow as it takes the sun to sweep across the planet. I hope by the year 2000, all people will celebrate the new year together in this way -- in the time it takes light to sweep across the planet -- rather than over the course of a day."
"Using the sun's motion as our standard of motion causes an error in physics when scientists attempt to add two motions together. The task of adding two motions together is not as simple as it appears . For example, if you add 10 meters per second to 25 meters per second, then you might think the answer is 35 meters per second, but this is incorrect. All traditional units of time, such as: seconds, minutes, hours always lead to an error in the denominator of these fractions since all traditional units of time are motions slower than the speed of light. At slow motions, the error in the denominator of motion measurements is small, at fast motions, the error in the denominator of motion measurements is large. This error can be seen if you try to add 100,000,000 meters per second to 250,000,000 meters per second, seemingly obtaining an answer of 350,000,000 meters per second. This answer is faster than the speed of light. It is physically impossible. The speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second and is the fastest known motion. The problem is not in the numerator -- adding 100,000,000 meters to 250,000,000 meters is 350,000,000 meters. The problem lies in the denominator -- the two "per second"s are not equivalent. Fractions must have common denominators in order to be added. Einstein solved the problem of adding two motions together by using one technique, my technique is different and has advantages. Einstein's Relativity compensates for the error caused by using traditional sublight definitions of time (e.g., days, seconds, minutes, hours) by using a correction factor. Einstein's correction factor treats time as a function of velocity. This is illogical however. It creates what is called a circular definition because velocity is already a function of time. My solution to this problem is different. Instead of using our current scientific definition of a second -- or other traditional sublight standards of motion -- along with Relativity's correction factor, in order to measure other motions, I simply define our standard of motion to be what we have been calling the speed of light. Time is the speed of light."
"The units of time: seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, months, years, etc. are multiples or fractions of the sun's apparent motion. For example, the traditional "second" is a motion 1440 times as fast as the motion of the sun. For every time the sun appears to travel around the earth once, the second hand travels around the dial face of a timepiece 1440 times."
[Mr. Nordberg had hoped to create a 3D computer animated video clip of these examples for this press release but was unable to afford to do so. He would be willing to help an interested news agency with a computer animator create a non copyrighted clip of these examples to be put out on the wire.]
"Nobody that I know of has ever said this before and the results for physics are dramatic. My current physics journal paper, "Ball of Light Particle Model" -- which I am trying to publish in Physical Review, a leading physics journal -- unifies electromagnetic theory with gravitational theory by treating elementary particles as spherical standing waves of electromagnetic energy. The reason mass and energy are equivalent is because mass is simply light spinning around itself in a spherical pattern."
"With my style of physics, people would measure a motion as a ratio of two distances: the distance an object travels divided by the distance light travels, instead of as: a distance divided by time. The complexities of Einstein's Relativity are replaced by the simple transformation: 1 second f 299,792,458 meters. Another result for physics is, 4-Dimensional Space-Time -- which is difficult to work with -- can be simplified to traditional 3 Dimensional Space -- which is easy to work with."
"Because I was unable to get accepted into a college physics program for financial reasons, and so far, have been unable to get my physics papers published, I have decided to publish, The solution to the question, "What is time?" at this time primarily to gain some recognition as a physicist. Hopefully, this will help me publish my Grand Unification Theory, Ball of Light Particle Model, and to finance my upcoming publishing projects and physics experiments. In the next year, my publishing plans include: creating an animated 3D Video, an interactive CD, and a World Wide Web Site on the Internet, to help others visualize my Theory of Time and my Grand Unification Theory. I also have planned a number of physics experiments such as: creating ball lightning; and creating spherical harmonic fields of electromagnetic radiation. These experiments will aid in demonstrating my Grand Unification Theory."
Nordberg's book is now available only by direct mail. The first advertisement just came out in the January edition of Discover. The book's cost is: $14.95 + $1.75 shipping and handling. (Minnesota residents need to add 97¢ tax.) [For current pricing.] Interested parties should send checks to: Fugio, PO Box 44758, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-2458. Nordberg hopes his book will be available in book stores by summer.
Nordberg has worked on his Theory of Time for 16 years -- since 1979. That was when he first heard about Einstein's Special and General Theories of Relativity in his high school physics class. He immediately realized Einstein's theories of Relativity contain a simple logical mistake. (As mentioned in the above quote: Einstein's theories of Relativity make time a function of velocity, while velocity is already a function of time. This is called a circular definition and is inherently illogical.) Nordberg attended the University of Minnesota, Institute of Technology. He was unable to enter the physics program there due to financial problems. Instead, after struggling financially for 7 years, working his way through college, he completed his course requirements for an Industrial Engineering degree. After graduating, he had difficulties obtaining an engineering position and was unable to pay a debt to the University of Minnesota. As a result, he has not received his Industrial Engineering diploma. He submitted physics journal papers to Physical Review in 1985 (on his Theory of Time), and in 1995 (on his Grand Unification Theory). Both are still unpublished. He has sent Advance Review Copies of his book to top physicists, astronomers, and astrophysicists and has had no responses. Last summer, he created a forum, "Is Time the Speed of Light?" on America Online in the Scientific American area to debate his theories. Currently, he is the owner of Nordberg Consulting, a business providing Macintosh computer consulting and training.



For immediate release 12/29/95
For further information contact: John Thomas Nordberg (612) 937-0426 (day or night) (John Nordberg may be visiting his wife and newborn son in the hospital. If you do not reach him, please leave a message and he will return your call.)
A "time" headline for New Years Eve…

A major physics breakthrough provides
the answer to the question, "What is time?"

Eden Prairie, Minnesota. John Thomas Nordberg has made a major physics breakthrough, solving the mystery of time and has published his Theory of Time in his new book, The solution to the question, "What is Time?" The first advertisement for his new book has just come out in the January edition of Discover magazine. "What we have been calling, "the speed of light" and calling, "time" are the same thing -- the speed of light is time." Nordberg's Theory of Time is the first alternative to Einstein's Special and General Theories of Relativity. Relativity states "time" can "speed up" and "slow down" relative to the speed of light. According to Nordberg, "Time is a constant quantity of motion, that we use to measure all other motions, and it should be defined to be what we now call "the speed of light." Through history people have used the sun's apparent motion crossing the sky to measure all other motions. The sun's motion has been what we have been calling "time." Time does not speed up or slow down relative to the speed of light, because time is the speed of light."
"My New Years Eve example is easy to understand. Imagine that it is New Year's Eve. On TV, you are able to see people celebrating the new year in time zones to the East, before the new year has happened for you. This is illogical. You are seeing something happen before it happens. With my explanation of time it makes sense though. People are celebrating time as if it is a motion sweeping across the surface of the earth at the rate at which the sun appears to cross the sky, time zone by time zone. However, that is not how we actually physically experience time. The image on TV is traveling to us from the East at the speed of light. If we adopt my definition of time, then people would celebrate the new year as fast as it takes light to sweep across the planet, not as long as it takes the sun to sweep across the planet. I hope by the year 2000, all people will celebrate the new year together this way -- at just about the same time -- rather than over the course of a day."
"Using the sun's motion as our standard of motion causes an error in physics when scientists attempt to add two motions together. Adding two motions together appears to be a simple task. For example, when you add 10 meters per second to 25 meters per second, you might think the answer is 35 meters per second, but this is incorrect. All traditional units of time, such as: seconds, minutes, hours always lead to an error since each is a standard of motion slower than the speed of light. At slow motions the error is small, at fast motions, the error is large. This error can be seen if you try to add 100,000,000 meters per second to 250,000,000 meters per second, seemingly obtaining an answer of 350,000,000 meters per second. This answer is faster than the speed of light. It is physically impossible. [The speed of light is 299,792,458 meters per second.] Einstein solved the problem of adding two motions together by using one technique, my technique is different and has advantages. Relativity compensates for the error caused by using traditional sublight definitions of time (e.g., days, seconds, minutes, hours) by using a correction factor. Einstein's correction factor treats "time" as a function of "velocity." This is illogical, however. It creates what is called a "circular definition" because "velocity" is already a function of "time." My solution to this problem is different. Instead of using our current scientific definition of a "second," along with Relativity's correction factor, to measure other motions, I simply define our standard of motion to be what we have been calling "the speed of light." Time is the speed of light."
"The units of time: seconds, minutes, hours, weeks, months, years, etc. are multiples or fractions of the sun's apparent motion. For example, a "second" is a motion 1440 times as fast as the motion of the sun. For every time the sun appears to travel around the earth once, the second hand travels around the face of a timepiece 1440 times."
[Mr. Nordberg had hoped to create a 3D computer animated video clip of these examples for this press release but was unable to afford to do so. He would be willing to help an interested news agency with a Macintosh animator create a non copyrighted clip of these examples to be put out on the wire.]
"Nobody that I know of has ever said this before and the results for physics are dramatic. My current physics journal paper, "Ball of Light Particle Model" -- which I have been trying to publish in Physical Review, the leading physics journal -- unifies electromagnetic theory with gravitational theory by treating elementary particles as spherical standing waves of electromagnetic energy. The reason mass and energy are equivalent is because mass is simply light spinning around itself in a spherical pattern."
"With my style of physics, people would measure a motion as a ratio of two distances: the distance an object travels divided by the distance light travels, instead of as: a distance divided by time. One result for physics is, "4-Dimensional Space-Time" reduces to normal 3 Dimensional Space."
"Because I was unable to get accepted into a college physics program for financial reasons, and so far, have been unable to get my physics papers published, I have decided to publish my book, The solution to the question, "What is time?" at this time primarily to gain some recognition as a physicist. Hopefully, this will help me publish my Grand Unification Theory, Ball of Light Particle Model, and to finance my upcoming publishing projects and physics experiments. In the next year, my publishing plans include: creating an animated 3D Video, an interactive CD, and a World Wide Web Site on the Internet, to help others visualize my Theory of Time and my Grand Unification Theory. I also have planned a number of physics experiments such as: creating "ball lightning"; and creating spherical harmonic fields of electromagnetic radiation. These experiments will aid in demonstrating my Grand Unification Theory."
Mr. Nordberg's book is now available only by direct mail. The first advertisement just came out in the January edition of Discover. The book's cost is: $14.95 + $1.75 shipping and handling. (Minnesota residents need to add an additional 97¢ for the state sales tax.) Interested parties should send checks to: Fugio, PO Box 44758, Eden Prairie, MN 55344-2458. He plans to have it available in book stores by summer.
John Nordberg has worked on his theory of time for 16 years -- since 1979. That was when he first heard about Einstein's Special and General Theories of Relativity in his high school physics class. He immediately realized Einstein's theories of relativity contain a simple logical mistake. (As mentioned in the preceding quote: Einstein's theories of relativity make time a function of velocity, while velocity is already a function of time. This is called a circular definition and is inherently illogical.) He attended the University of Minnesota, Institute of Technology. He was unable to enter the physics program there due to financial problems. Instead, after struggling financially for 7 years, working his way through college, he completed his course requirements for an Industrial Engineering degree. After graduating, he had difficulties obtaining an engineering position and was unable to pay his debt to the University of Minnesota. As a result, he has not received his Industrial Engineering diploma. He has submitted physics journal papers to Physical Review in both 1985 and 1995. Both are still unpublished. He has sent Advance Review Copies of his book to top physicists, astronomers, and astrophysicists and has had no responses. He has created a forum called, "Is Time the Speed of Light?" on American Online in the Scientific American area to debate his theories. Currently he is the owner of Nordberg Consulting, a business providing Macintosh computer consulting and training.
