Home The explosion (decay) of galaxies

The Ball-of-Light Particle Model predicts that galaxies are explosions (See also, Galaxy Formation). It also predicts that Quasars are galaxies in their earliest stages of decaying. The cores of galaxies are literally single elementary particles -- they are Balls-of-Light. These objects are made of electric, magnetic, and gravitational fields. As the core of the galaxy decays, it ejects individual stars -- stars that are sometimes hundreds or thousands of times as large as our sun -- that decay into groups of smaller stars (See also, Zones of Instability).

In general, the balls-of-light that are the cores of galaxies were made by previous, much larger explosions called Gamma Ray Bursts. When Gamma Ray Bursts explode they eject smaller objects that become the galactic cores. This gives rise to the Bubbly Structure of the Universe.

The explosion of Galaxies would be the "fourth energy level" in a series of energy levels that have a harmonic pattern.

See also, Animation of spiral exploding galaxy.


See also: Galaxies; Problems with the classical theory of galaxy formation; classification of galaxies; 2-arm Spiral Galaxies; Evolution of Stars; The Color Change of Galaxies from Blue to Red; The Color Variation of Stars in Galaxies from Blue To Red; Red Stars; Sprinkler Analogy; The variation of metal content in galaxies; "Dust Lanes" & Tunnels; Doppler Shift of Stars in Galaxies; The No Hydrogen Zone; The Explosion Zone (Instability Zone); Gigantic Galactic Expanding Gas Shells; Gravitational Force Law & the Missing Mass; Barred Galaxies; Double-Lobed Irregular Galaxies; Radio Galaxies; Active Galactic Nuclei; Nonthermal Radiation; Single Objects; Seyfert Galaxies; Quasars; Black Holes; Groups of Galaxies; Clusters of Galaxies; Superclusters of Galaxies; Filaments, Voids and the Bubbly Structure of the Universe, to name a few.