Understanding time is the key concept that leads to the Grand Unification of Physics, and the key to unlocking many other questions in science. (Top unanswered questions in science.) For example, this web site will exactly explain such diverse subjects as:
- Eta Carinae Eta Carinae is the exploding star in the image below. How the explosion is progressing can not be explained with the traditional physics theory for star formation. It is truly exciting to have a simple physics equation that can explain this exploding star!
Notice how the explosion is forming. There are two lobes and a disk being formed. How can an explosion create such a shape? How can a star make an explosion that goes like this? To emphasize how the explosion is progressing, I have created an animated GIF. (If it has already loaded, and you missed the animation, then position your pointer over the graphic and use your "Reload" command.)
- In the first frame of this animated GIF is a star.
- In the second frame is the beginning of a disk and 2 spherical lobes.
- In the third frame, the disk is larger, and the lobes start to curve back on themselves.
- In the fourth frame, the disk is larger, and the lobes curve around more.
- In the fifth frame, the disk is larger yet, and the lobes have curved almost completely around to form enclosed spherical lobes.

Why does the disk keep expanding in a direction that moves straight away from the equator of the star, but the lobes first expand from the poles of the star, and then curve back, creating their spherical shapes!!??
I believe that just about any physics student could explain this explosion with the Ball-of-Light Particle Model. On the other hand, I believe that the world's best physicists, using traditional physics and the traditional theory for star formation, can not explain this explosion.
- The motion of a photon Have you ever wondered what a photon looks like? How does it move? Why does it move? Here is an animation that shows how a photon moves.
- Galaxy Formation Have you seen any of the Hubble Space Telescope's images of spiral galaxies? They are truly beautiful! Have you ever wondered how galaxies in general form? Or, more specifically, how a spiral galaxy forms? The Ball-of-Light Particle Model predicts galaxies are created from a single decaying object! At the heart of every galaxy lies a massive decaying ball-of-light. (This is different, but very close, to the view that Black Holes lie at the heart of galaxies.) I have created a simple QuickTime animation of what an exploding spiral galaxy might look like. QuickTime Animation of an Exploding Galaxy according to the Ball-of-Light Particle Model (88K)
- Extinctions Did you know that there have been at least 3 massive extinctions? (Recently, I heard there may have been as many as 5 massive extinctions.) The dinosaurs' mass extinction wasn't even the biggest one! These 3 massive extinctions happened roughly 200 million years apart from each other, in a pattern that appears to be cyclic. If there really is a pattern, then the next one is due in about 135 to 140 million years. The Ball-of-Light Particle Model explains why. One simple equation -- E cross B = G -- predicts, and integrates, almost all of the previous -- seemingly separate -- "causes" that have been attributed to killing the dinosaurs: changes in weather, changes in tectonic activity, changes in solar activity, and why there would be increasing numbers of impacts on earth from objects coming from space.
I promise you, this web site is for real. You will find new and very interesting physics here that has never before been released to the public -- except in my two books. Furthermore, the new physics revealed here can be tested and verified. (Tests) If you are a scientist, I invite you to test the predictions of the Ball-of-Light Particle Model. Not only is this web site for real, it sticks to using physics that is real. It does not go off on wild or crazy theories, or use excessively complex math. There is: no time travel, no worm holes, no 16-dimensional space-time, no warped space. It is based solely on:
(By the way -- if you have studied traditional physics, you might be interested to know at this point that the Ball-of-Light Particle Model is a variation of the well-known, traditional physics equation called "the Poynting vector.") Let me emphasize, the Speed-of-Light Definition of Time and the Ball-of-Light Particle Model do not use Relativity at all:
- The Speed-of-Light Definition of Time replaces Special Relativity.
- The Ball-of-Light Particle Model replaces General Relativity.
Finally, traditional physics uses the 7 SI Basic Units. I recommend that these Basic Units be revised to use just: distance, motion, and charge. I have become somewhat accustomed to visualizing physics using just these three fundamental concepts. This presents me with a significant challenge in describing my ideas. If traditionally schooled, the reader will be thinking in terms of SI Basic Units out of habit while I am thinking in terms of these three more fundamental concepts.