Home Europa's Ice Cracks

Europa is one of Jupiter's moons. It appears to be completely covered by ice.

Graphic of Europa

The ice is etched with a maze of cracks. What are the nature of these cracks? What forces made them?

The Ball-of-Light Particle Model predicts that an object with varying velocity will experience varying gravitational forces. It predicts the earth, and the rest of the Solar System, has been going through a number of periodic cycles where gravitational forces increase and decrease. The variations in gravity are induced -- See also, Spiral Galaxy Accelerations -- by changes in the solar system's velocity as it:

Because of Jupiter's larger mass, changes in its gravitational force would have a more dramatic impact on its moons than would changes in earth's gravitation have on its moon. Anyhow, it is possible, Europa's icy cracks are visible signs left by the moon's pulsating gravitational field.

(See also, Planet Formation, Mid-Oceanic Ridges, Mountain Ranges, Lowering of Gravity Swells Earth's Volume, Increasing Gravity's Negative Effects)