John T. Nordberg
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Time and the Speed of Light are defined to be equal.
Electric field vector cross Magnetic field vector equals Gravitation field vector.
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Purpose, Who, When, Where, Goals

Introduction: Goals

Old The Goals of this Web Site Page

Why am I putting all this work into this web site? I have a number of goals. They are:

  1. To save lives by:
    • reducing the risk of wars over energy
    • reducing the risk of wars over religion
    • dramatically reducing pollution
    • improving on the ability to predict earthquakes with a Earthquake Watch and an Earthquake Warning System
    • reducing the risk of nuclear fission power plants by creating nuclear fusion power plants
    • help reduce the risk of solar activity on earth
  2. To use physics to understand God, and help people live a more harmonic life
  3. To provide for my family and be a good role model for my children
  4. To understand, fix and unify physics