This new physics leads to many intriguing new ideas in astronomy. If correct, astonomy is headed for big changes.
Note: Expands
The grand unification of physics will have dramatic impacts in many areas of science. Nowhere will the impacts be greater than for astronomy, astrophysics, & cosmology.
The grand unification theory called, “the Ball-of-Light Particle Model,” predicts a number of things with regard to astronomy.
First, elementary particles are spherical standing waves of electric, magnetic, and gravitational fields — spheres of photons — balls of light. This means — fundamentally — everything is either a moving photon, or a standing wave made of photons.
Second, it agrees with Einstein's idea of mass/energy equivalence. Mass can be converted to energy, and energy can be converted into mass. However, if the Ball-of-Light Particle Model is correct, there is no limit to the size of elementary particles — other than all of the mass & energy in the universe. Let me absolutely clear — there is no limit to the size of elementary particles.
Particle physicists believe elementary particles are things like: electrons, protons, & neutrinos. They believe atomic nuclei are collections of smaller elementary particles. The Ball-of-Light Particle predicts atomic nuclei are actually single particles — in essence, “elementary” particles. As the size of elementary particles increase in size, they become less stable. However, it appears it is possible to have stable, spherical elementary particles that are magnitudes larger than imagined by physicists and astronomers. The Ball-of-Light Particle predicts stars are nothing more than giant atoms. The core of a star is a single particle. For example, when a star has a nova event and blows away its outer plasma envelope, a white dwarf is exposed. Contrary to standard theory, the Ball-of-Light Particle predicts a white dwarf is actually a single elementary particle — in essence, the core of the star.
The Ball-of-Light Particle predicts the objects called, “Black Holes” are not infinitely small, and infinitely dense. It appears that objects like white dwarfs, neutron stars, pulsars, black holes, etc, are actually elementary particles — and they have maximum density. If correct, the Ball-of-Light Particle Model predicts that a wide number of theories in astronomy are completely wrong. Keep in mind the theory of black holes is just that, a theory. The same can be said of the standard model for how stars work.
Even the Big Bang theory will change. In essence, it appears the universe exploded — not from an infinitely small singularity — but from one, single, massive ball-of-light that contain all of the mass & energy of the universe. That particle — that was the GOD particle!
Over the years, I have been developing an entire new type of astronomy — one that is based upon the grand unification of physics. This page will have the main links for this new type of astronomy.
Hello, my name is John Nordberg. Welcome to my site. It is a very old website going through some growing pains. I hope you enjoy my vision of time, the grand unification of physics, the solution to fusion energy, a new solution for getting fresh water in hot deserts, and a solution to global warming.
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Earthquake Information Other: A, B, C
Physics, Time, What is Time?, Grand Unification, GUT, Theory of Everything, TOE, The Speed-of-Light Definition of Time, The Ball-of-Light Particle Model, John Nordberg, Photons, Relativity, Astronomy, Desert Oasification Atmospheric Water Generators, DOAWG, Fusion, Fusion Energy, NFT
This 3-dimensional, geometric equation, is the key to unifying physics. Basically, it states that if you take the “cross product x“ of the electric field vector E and the magnetic field vector B, the result is the gravitational field vector G.Do not confuse the gravitational field “vector G“ (it has a small arrow above it) with the Gravitational constant (which is represented by a big "G" without a vector arrow above it) or with gravitational acceleration (which is represented by just a small "g").