The Sun influences weather. Predicting long-term weather using solar activity. Hurricanes & Solar Flares.
Note: Expands Collapses
Meteorology is the study of the atmosphere and how it affects the weather. Heliometeorology is the study of how the sun's long-term cycles affects long-term weather patterns. This is definitely important with respect to current discussions of climate change. In other words, because the sun's long-term cycles definitely affect weather, we must be careful in terms of blaming some long-term changes of weather on people.
Mention the Climate Casino.
Hello, my name is John Nordberg. Welcome to my site. It is a very old website going through some growing pains. I hope you enjoy my vision of time, the grand unification of physics, the solution to fusion energy, a new solution for getting fresh water in hot deserts, and a solution to global warming.
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Prediction of current World-Wide Earthquake Risk:
Earthquake Information Other: A, B, C
Physics, Time, What is Time?, Grand Unification, GUT, Theory of Everything, TOE, The Speed-of-Light Definition of Time, The Ball-of-Light Particle Model, John Nordberg, Photons, Relativity, Astronomy, Desert Oasification Atmospheric Water Generators, DOAWG, Fusion, Fusion Energy, NFT
This 3-dimensional, geometric equation, is the key to unifying physics. Basically, it states that if you take the “cross product x“ of the electric field vector E and the magnetic field vector B, the result is the gravitational field vector G.Do not confuse the gravitational field “vector G“ (it has a small arrow above it) with the Gravitational constant (which is represented by a big "G" without a vector arrow above it) or with gravitational acceleration (which is represented by just a small "g").